The urban chicken in raleigh, nc is currently testing the deep litter method with hemp bedding in a carolina coop behind their shop. i noticed there was a drastic reduction in odor and no dust in there.. If relocating the run is out of the question, a deep litter system can be used instead. gravel and/or bark chips can be used for the litter. however, to keep the area fresh, these materials will need to be dug out and replaced about once a year. one problem with this method is that your chickens may become lazy.. (aka: built-up litter system) deep litter is a method of chicken waste management that calls for droppings and bedding material to compost inside the chicken coop instead of being cleaned out and replaced regularly. with the deep litter method, a carbon-based litter such as pine shavings absorbs nitrogen from chicken droppings, which ferments.

Homemade chicken pens

Chicken coop plans deep litter ~ dynamic coop

Self reliant network: the double run chicken system by
This is an example of a method that can cut down smell and cleaning for a chicken coop. one thing that is a must is for the chickens to scratch around in it. Using the deep litter method for your winter chicken coop is a great way to keep your chickens healthy and warm during the cold months. duck coop winter chickens pet chickens backyard chickens urban chickens backyard farming rabbits chicken coop plans diy chicken coop. For years i've mucked out my coop on a monthly basis. well, not any more. the deep litter method minimizes your expenditure while maximizing the health and well being of your birds. by simulating.